Drawer cabinet for clean room

Clean rooms: How to maintain maximum sterility?

The degree of cleanliness is measured by the particle units per cubic meter. In such delicate manufacturing processes that even a single grain of dust can disrupt their operation, the clean room's sterility level is maintained through multi-system activity:

Air control systems - contain filters that filter unwanted particles and control the humidity, temperature and air pressure in the clean room.

The human factor - Workers in clean rooms first go through a control room and wear head to toe special suits that do not emit particles into the air space. In addition, workers are equipped with a respiratory system that emits the air they breathe out of the room. The staff's attire prevents them from shedding hair, skin cells and particles of any kind that will contaminate the room and damage the manufacturing process.

Lab Furniture - Even the walls of the clean room are made of special materials that do not emit particles.

 Among these walls are laboratory furniture that must meet the highest standards to enforce the required level of cleanliness. To do this, cabinets, drawers and shelves from compressed HPL - Formica that repel dust, moisture and chemicals are used.

Either way, keeping clean rooms allows us in the present to aim high: the sky is no longer the limit ...

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