High closet for clean room

Clean rooms: How did a tiny dust particle affect a billion-dollar machine?

Many of the consumer product of the modern age are the product of technological progress - from food to pharmaceuticals, from optics to electronic chips. In fact, it is doubtful that many of them could have been created had it not been for one, particularly clean area. Of course, this means clean rooms - areas where the level of cleanliness is even higher than the one kept in the operating room. What is the importance of a clean room and how can you maintain such a high level of cleanliness?


 We at Mintz use the best materials and build the best furniture for your field and design.

 Closet on wheels with upper gradient to prevent the placing of objects and accumulation of particles and dirt on the cabinet.

You can get the closet with a diverse internal division that includes removable shelves, internal drawers, shelves, combination with partitions and more.

Trying to decide what to choose? Contact us and we will be happy to offer you a work station

tailored to your unique needs.