Rising doors WALK IN Chemical Fume hood

Mintz floor fume hood includes a two-window system that moves vertically, allowing for optimal utilization of the fume hood compartment while saving energy.

Compliance with the standards, rigorous manufacturing processes, and complete customization to customer needs make Mintz's fume hoods the first choice of laboratories in Israel.

Strict manufacturing processes

A combination of complying with the European and Israeli standards for the production of chemical fume hoods and laboratory equipment, and the adoption of the most advanced production processes, provides customers with the most secure and reliable chemical treatment solutions in laboratories and factories in Israel. Manufacturing processes include precise definition of the fume hoods for customer needs, rigorous production using advanced technologies that ensure that the resulting fume hood is exactly the same as the design, and a control system that guarantees the quality of the final product.

Customization for customer needs


Adjustments can be made in all the fume hoods and you can add:

installation of electrical accessories according to the work environment

Control systems

Single and central suction systems for several fume hoods.

Flow control systems for fume hoods

Electrical systems for the operation of a fume hood window - automatic and semi-automatic.

Window Status Alert Systems.

Working with fume hoods safety is above all. But there is no need to give up on creating a pleasant work environment for employees who spend many hours there. By using a variety of quality materials, ensuring user-friendly design, and designing according to the work environment, Mintz's fume hoods maintain aesthetics in the workplace, providing high work comfort.

The combination of aesthetics, quality and safety is the result of decades of experience and expertise in manufacturing lab equipment - uncompromising.