4 deep drawer locker for filing

Filing cabinet for lab and office

Documentation and document management are an integral part of lab work, and employees should be allowed to do so in the easiest and simplest possible way, so as not to interfere with current main work.

Mintz's filing cabinet is made of high-quality materials that guarantee long-lasting durability. The filing cabinet structure is based on Mintz's extensive experience in designing lab workspaces, and is customizable to client needs.

 The cabinet supports efficient management of laboratory documents, allowing easy access during ongoing work.

 The cabinet is an integral part of the overall lab design, carried out by Mintz experts in collaboration with the client, which is designed to create the workspace that best suits the client's needs.

Locks can be added to any drawer as needed. According to the customer's definition, a combination of different types of drawers can be made in the same cabinet to suit each customer's needs.

Trying to decide what to choose? Contact us and we will be happy to offer you a workstation

tailored to your unique needs.